Whether towards employees or visitors, information displaying is essential in a workplace for the performance and productivity of the organization. In the era of digital transformation, many organizations are going towards digital monitors for workspace signage and information display rather than paper-based solutions such as notice boards.

Digital signage is expected to keep dominating workspaces, commercial areas and cities in the coming years. This, with the purpose of either displaying information or advertising. This article is going to discuss workspace signage from the following angles:

This article is going to discuss workspace signage from the following angles:

  • Digital signage
  • Smartbuilding and employee productivity
  • From notice boards to digital display management systems,
  • Space flexibility using adaptive signage
  • Notice boards’ role in the corporate social life.



L’affichage dynamique

Digital signage can basically be defined as an electronic display that is positioned in strategic positions in a workplace environment. The digital signage market is calculated to grow in size from $20.74 billion as in 2017 to $31.62 billion by 2023. This is with an estimated yearly growth rate of 7.28 percent. Wayfinding is an integral part of such that it enables the individuals to orient themselves in physical spaces and navigation through the environments.

On estime que 48% du contenu de l’affichage en entreprise est destiné à l’information, à l’accueil et à la direction des clients ou des visiteurs. Deuxièmement, viennent les tableaux de bord des informations sur les employés et de la productivité.

Internal communication is a key instrument of strategy. It helps leaders share and reinforce their visions and values with the employees to increase onboardness. Successful communication usually creates a sense of trust and a community among the people involved which engages everyone to work for the betterment of the business. Good internal communication is known to drive employee productivity higher by 25%. The use of digital signage increases reach, complexity and diversity in content. This results in a higher delivery efficiency.

Using other digital internal communication channels such as corporate apps, social networks or blogs will help to bring about so many additional advantages like out of office reach and spark employee engagement and participation.

Employees are more likely to pay attention to straight-to-the-point visual content displayed in work areas. Digital signage is an agile medium that helps firms to connect instantly with the employees in the workplace with up to date contextualized information. The instantaneity is an interesting feature for crisis and emergency management.


 Smartbuilding and productivity


Smartbuilding is a digitally connected structure combining intelligent utility management, operational automation and the intelligent space management. This is for the purposes of enhancing the experiences of the users, reducing costs, increasing productivity as well as the mitigation of security risks both cyber and physical.

En cette ère de transformation numérique, les chefs d’entreprise manifestent un intérêt croissant pour les solutions smartbuilding. D’un point de vue d’entreprise, ces solutions, aussi innovantes soient-elles, devraient avoir un retour sur investissement grâce à la valeur commerciale ou à l’amélioration de la productivité, pourraient être: attirer et fidéliser les talents, atténuer les risques opérationnels ou contrôler les coûts. Les systèmes smartbuilding peuvent donc devenir un atout très précieux. Le marché des bâtiments intelligents devrait augmenter de 29,69% entre 2018 et 2023. Une valorisation de 7,45 milliards de dollars en 2017 à 33,70 milliards de dollars en 2023.

Le développement de la smartbuilding a aidé les occupants à utiliser leurs espaces de travail plus efficacement pour améliorer la productivité et le bien-être des employés. Dans la gestion des installations, les systèmes de surveillance et de contrôle des services publics ont contribué à l’utilisation rationnelle des ressources. Les solutions utilisant des capteurs de faible puissance ont considérablement réduit les consommations d’énergie et d’eau. Cela concerne la responsabilité sociale des entreprises (RSE) et les objectifs de développement durable.

Les systèmes smartbuilding peuvent être vus comme des outils de productivité permettant d’atteindre de plus hauts niveaux de collaboration dans les organisations. C’est un facteur clé pour l’innovation et la productivité. Ceci est réalisé en favorisant les interactions au sein des employés physiquement présents via des espaces intelligents et des tableaux intelligents. Le placement stratégique d’écrans d’affichage numérique dans les zones les plus occupées du lieu de travail, telles que la cuisine, le hall d’entrée ou les bureaux, peut vous aider à absorber et à conserver toutes les communications importantes des membres de votre personnel. Les zones de réunion virtuelles aident les employés physiques distants à se rendre sur le lieu de travail, offrant ainsi des possibilités d’interaction plus complexes.


 From Workspace Notice Boards to Digital Management System


Les entreprises ont depuis longtemps adopté l’utilisation des panneaux d’affichage des espaces de travail. Il y a tellement de sociétés commerciales qui passent actuellement de l’utilisation des tableaux d’affichage aux écrans d’affichage numérique et à distance dans leurs locaux. Les systèmes de gestion numérique aident à réduire le besoin d’imprimer les mêmes informations pour les distribuer au public cible et à l’endroit. Comparativement aux panneaux d’affichage, les informations sur l’affichage numérique peuvent être mises à jour à distance, évitant la réimpression d’un nouveau lot de supports pour panneaux d’affichage. Cela touche également à la productivité, le système basé sur l’impression prend beaucoup plus de temps.


 Space Flexibility: Adaptive Signage in workspaces


For an organization, a flexible workspace is essential so as to address changes in work processes and in technology more quickly and effectively. Most organizations are shifting towards the more flexible layouts for this is viewed to enhance productivity and improves communication between individuals.

To foster this interaction, some experts suggested a flexible office system where people would change locations. Sitting next to different people from different teams and specialties elicits curiosity and triggers conversation. This flexibility requires the possibility to re-organize and re-allocate your spaces. Digital signage gives you the possibility to instantly inform you teams on these changes, with sometimes the ability to program in advance.

L’affichege est une fonction très importante dans les zones de production et les ateliers. Pour réduire les accidents, une signalétique efficace doit être mise en place pour informer, recommander et avertir des dangers liés aux machines, aux véhicules et aux produits dangereux. La signalétique numérique aide les équipes HQSE à gérer les informations depuis n’importe où. Toutes les modifications physiques peuvent être immédiatement prises en compte par la signalétique numérique. Donner à vos équipes les informations correctes et à jour à tout moment. Dans l’industrie, les panneaux d’affichage adaptatifs et numériques dans les usines ont réduit de 20% les accidents du travail.


Notice Board as a Gathering Point in Corporate Life


Though companies are moving in the digital world with improved technology including digital signage, they should not overlook the importance of notice boards in their organizations. Notice boards are still of great importance in the organization just like the digital signage are. Notice boards are essential in the creation of a corporate community in the organization such that positive interaction opportunities are created within the office environment. The employees are able to share their messages by giving feedback to the notice boards which helps them to discuss with each other after they read one another's needs.

Although information can be shared in emails and messages to the employees and within themselves, it can be easily forgotten compared to when the person sees it every time they pass by the notice board.

Notice boards can be used by the employees to post memorable events in the organization, pictures of each other, fun photos, or even corporate functions. This will help employees communicate better and be in a position to express themselves and share their thoughts in the organization. This will help improve morale in the organization.




Every organization aims at being successful and standing out compared to its competitors and they will do anything to reach their goals. Technology is one of the most considered factors known to persuade the business to thrive in its activities. As it has been observed from the above discussion, digital signage is the current trend taking place in workplaces, schools and even cities. All with the purposes of displaying information or advertising. Companies that share more information are known to thrive as compared to those that limit information flow. Digital signage is an important trend that should be adopted by companies whether internally or externally to communicate to their target audiences. However, that does not necessarily mean that the use of static notice boards in the organization should be ignored. They are still important for employees since they too create an interactive environment just like the digital signage which is essential for employee productivity.


Traduit de l’anglais 


Works Cited

Experts, Boards. “The Advantages of Having a Notice Board in Office.” Boards Direct, 15 July 2015, www.boardsdirect.co.uk/content/141/the-advantages-of-having-a-notice-board-in-office/

Patrascu, M.; Dragoicea, M. “Integrating Services and Agents for Control and Monitoring: Managing Emergencies in Smart Buildings.” (2014): 544. pp. 209–224. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-04735-5_14. ISBN 978-3-319-04734-8.

Schaeffler, J., Digital Signage: Software, Networks, Advertising and Displays: A Primer for Understanding the Business, Focal Press, 2013, pp 3-4

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Wellener, Paul, et al. “Smart Buildings.” Deloitte Insights, 13 Dec. 2018, www2.deloitte.com/insights/us/en/topics/digital-transformation/smart-buildings-people-centered-digital-workplace.html.

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